We Have a Saying in Chinese Series #041: 退一步海阔天空(tuì yí bùhǎi kuò tiān kōng)

2 min readMay 19, 2021

退一步海阔天空(tuì yí bùhǎi kuò tiān kōng):translated as one step back leads to open sea and sky, usually refers to “be tolerate with small things or others’ minor mistakes, learn to let it go; then you will have peace in mind, even bigger opportunities.”

*** Holistic observation and creative cooperation ***

Moving one step back is not about giving in or losing. It’s a humble gesture by giving others a chance and embrace the differences.

Moving one step back is an open mindset to see the other side of story. As Stephen Covey said, “where we see depends on where we sit”. Stepping back brings opportunity to see a bigger picture or at least the other side.

Moving one step back is an attitude of win-win and independency. The new space creates broader connections and ideas. We can embrace each other with creative cooperation, it’s not a zero-sum game.

Next time, when you are facing conflict or disagreement, try to make a small step back, you may leap into bigger potential and brighter future!

*** About “We Have a Saying in Chinese Series” ***

This is a project about sharing Chinese saying, language, culture and philosophy; and the reflections in our life and business world, as well as my coaching practice.




A leadership coach, a business consultant, a music and nature lover, and most importantly, a believer of the magic of writing! Linkedin@Xiao-yu Cheng.